Understanding Finance to Influence Strategic Decisions

Successful Strategic Decision-making



It is essential to fully understand how finance influences strategic decision-making because it provides the foundation for an organisation’s economic survival, development, growth and future prosperity.

Are you familiar with the core principles of finance and their links with strategic decisions, and financial planning?

Are you able to use the financial tools, techniques and know-how that influence strategic decision-making and apply them practically in real-life business situations?

This exciting and user-friendly ADGETECH, Understanding Finance to Influence Strategic Decisions training seminar deals with, for example, how to avoid unachievable strategic plans and budgets, non-value-adding project investments, high costs of capital, high exposures to financial risk. It illustrates and reinforces the use of the essential financial tools and techniques and will enable non-financial and financial professionals at every level to make better-informed decisions to improve financial performance, and increase corporate value and shareholder value.

This training course will highlight:


By the end of this ADGETECH training seminar, you will have significantly upskilled to be able to:


This ADGETECH Understanding Finance to Influence Strategic Decisions training seminar is presented in a very hands-on way to suit individuals with varying levels of financial knowledge and experience. The Instructor, in addition to his own commercial career experiences, uses a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques to provide a thorough training in the subjects covered.

This ADGETECH training seminar is conducted along workshop principles with presentations, numerous worked examples, and real-world experiences and many real-world business scenarios. Interactive team case studies and exercises reinforce the application of each of the learning points. Difficult mathematical concepts are minimised wherever possible and handled in a visual way that is easy to understand – our aim is for this to be an enjoyable learning experience.


You will go back to your workplace with an up-to-date and relevant skillset that will benefit your organisation through:


This ADGETECH Understanding Finance to Influence Strategic Decisions training seminar will greatly improve your understanding of how strategies are developed and the influence of financial factors on strategic decision-making and the impact of the consequences of those decisions through:


Day 1

Linking Strategic Management and Decision-Making with Financial Planning and Budgeting

Day 2

Mobilizing PeopleThe Financial Statements and Their Links with Planning and Financial Decisions

Day 3

Costing Systems and Measurement Systems that Support Financial Decision-Making

Day 4

Capital Investment Decisions

Day 5

Linking Performance Measures to Strategic Decisions and Financial Risk Management


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